reactions to the prosecution of donald trump in new york

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Y’all Know if Trump Was Black, The NY Supreme Court Justice Would Have Sentenced His Behind

New York State Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan’s decision to postpone former president Donald Trump’s sentencing Friday is yet another flagrant and sickening example of how the criminal justice system treats Black, often poor, Americans one way but rich, white Americans differently. Read more…

Y’all Know if Trump Was Black, The NY Supreme Court Justice Would Have Sentenced His Behind Read More »

Donald Trump’s Nephew Called Him a “Crazy Uncle” and Claims He Says the N-Word and Other Ugly Things

You know you’re wrong when your own family has to check you on your mess. Former President Donald Trump’s nephew, Fred Trump III called his uncle out in a recent interview with ABC. During the interview, Trump III said “every family has their crazy uncle. My Uncle Donald is atomic crazy.” Read more…

Donald Trump’s Nephew Called Him a “Crazy Uncle” and Claims He Says the N-Word and Other Ugly Things Read More »

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