81 Animal Trivia Questions on Different Animal Species

81 Animal Trivia Questions on Different Animal Species |

Animals have roamed this planet for billions of years and continue to evolve as the earth changes. Humans are technically considered animals, but when we hear that word we typically think of species like dogs, cats, birds and others. Besides those three species, there are about eight million other animal species in the world, with millions of them not observed and classified. How much do you know about different animal types and species such as mammals, vertebrates, invertebrates and insects? Do you know the difference between amphibians and reptiles?  What about aquatic and marine animals? Find out here with these 81 animal trivia questions. 

Animal Trivia on Mammals

Question: What is the largest mammal in the world?

Answer: The blue whale.

Question: Which mammal is known to have the most powerful bite force?

Answer: The hippopotamus.

Question: What is the only mammal capable of true flight?

Answer: The bat.

Question: Which mammal has the longest gestation period?

Answer: The African elephant (about 22 months).

Question: What is the fastest land mammal?

Answer: The cheetah.

Question: Which mammal can sleep while standing up?

Answer: The horse (among others like zebras and elephants).

Question: What is the smallest mammal by mass?

Answer: The Etruscan shrew.

Question: Which mammals has a pouch for carrying its young?

Answer: Kangaroo and other female marsupials in general.

Question: Which mammal is known for its unique black-and-white striped coat?

Answer: The zebra.

Question: What are the only mammals that lay eggs?

Answer: The duck-billed platypus and the echidna.

Question: Which mammal has the largest brain relative to its body size?

Answer: The Dolphin.

Question: What is the tallest mammal in the world?

Answer: The giraffe.

Question: Which mammal is known to have the thickest fur of any animal?

Answer: The sea otter.

Question: What is the primary diet of a giant panda?

Answer: Bamboo.

Reptiles vs Amphibians Animal Trivia


Question: What is the largest reptile in the world?

Answer: The saltwater crocodile.

Question: Which reptile can change its skin color to blend in with its surroundings?

Answer: The chameleon.

Question: What is the only lizard that has a frill around its neck?

Answer: Chalamydosaurus kingii or the frilled-neck lizard.

Question: Which reptiles are known for having a third eye on the top of their head?

Answer: The Bearded dragon, tuatara, the iguana and others.

Question: What type of reptile is the Komodo dragon?

Answer: A lizard.

Question: Which reptiles have the ability to regrow their tail if it is lost?

Answer: Many species of geckos, salamanders, lizards, iguanas and more.

Question: What is the world’s longest snake?

Answer: The reticulated python.

Question: Which reptile is known for its protective shell?

Answer: The turtle (or tortoise).

Question: What type of reptile is a cobra?

Answer: A snake.

Question: Which reptile is known for its deadly venom and ability to ‘spit’ it at attackers?

Answer: The spitting cobra.


Question: What is the largest amphibian in the world?

Answer: The Chinese giant salamander.

Question: Which amphibian is known for its bright, colorful skin as a warning to predators?

Answer: The poison dart frog.

Question: What is the primary habitat of most amphibians?

Answer: Wet or moist environments (like ponds, marshes and rainforests).

Question: Which amphibians undergo a transformation from a tadpole to its adult form?

Answer: Frogs and toads.

Question: What unique feature do axolotls have that most other amphibians do not?

Answer: They retain their larval features (like gills) throughout their life, a condition known as neoteny.

Question: What is the name of the transparent membrane that amphibians use to protect their eyes underwater?

Answer: The nictitating membrane.

Question: Which amphibian is known for its loud, distinctive call that is often heard in the spring?

Answer: The spring peeper frog.

Question: Which amphibian can survive being frozen during winter and thaw out in spring?

Answer: The wood frog.

Question: What is the primary method of respiration for adult amphibians?

Answer: Through their skin (cutaneous respiration), as well as through their lungs and buccal (mouth) breathing.

Aquatic Animal Trivia Questions

Question: What is the largest fish in the ocean?

Answer: The whale shark.

Question: Which marine animal is known for its ability to regenerate lost limbs?

Answer: The starfish (or sea star).

Question: What is the fastest marine animal?

Answer: The black marlin.

Question: Which marine mammal is known for its complex songs?

Answer: The humpback whale.

Question: What is the largest species of sea turtle?

Answer: The leatherback sea turtle.

Question: Which aquatic animals are known for their ability to squirt ink as a defense mechanism?

Answer: Octopi and squid.

Question: What is the name of the fish that is known for its symbiotic relationship with sea anemones?

Answer: The clownfish.

Question: Which aquatic animals can change their gender throughout their life?

Answer: Clownfish, oysters and snails.

Question: What is the primary diet of the blue whale?

Answer: Krill.

Question: Which marine animal is known for having the most extended lifespan?

Answer: The Greenland shark.

Question: What type of animal is a jellyfish?

Answer: An invertebrate.

Question: Which aquatic animal has a powerful electric shock as a defense and hunting mechanism?

Answer: The electric eel.

Question: What is the smallest marine mammal?

Answer: The sea otter.

Question: What is the largest type of ray in the ocean?

Answer: The giant manta ray.

Question: Which aquatic animal uses echolocation to navigate and hunt?

Answer: The dolphin.

Question: What type of marine animal is a narwhal?

Answer: A whale (specifically a toothed whale).

Trivia Questions on Birds and Other Flying Animals

Question: What is the largest bird in the world by wingspan?

Answer: The wandering albatross.

Question: Which bird is known for its incredible long-distance migration, traveling from the Arctic to the Antarctic?

Answer: The Arctic tern.

Question: Which bird is known for its bright, colorful plumage and its ability to mimic human speech?

Answer: The parrot.

Question: What is the fastest bird in the world when it dives?

Answer: The peregrine falcon.

Question: Which bird is known for its distinctive “laughing” call?

Answer: The kookaburra.

Question: What type of animal is a dragonfly?

Answer: An insect.

Question: Which bird is famous for its elaborate courtship dance and vibrant blue feet?

Answer: The blue-footed booby.

Question: What is the smallest bird in the world?

Answer: The bee hummingbird.

Question: Which bird is known for being able to fly backwards?

Answer: The hummingbird.

Question: What is the heaviest flying bird in the world?

Answer: The kori bustard.

Question: What bird is known for its distinctive horn-shaped crest on its head?

Answer: The hornbill.

Question: Which nocturnal bird is known for its silent flight and exceptional hunting skills?

Answer: The owl.

Question: What bird is renowned for its impressive memory and ability to hide food in thousands of locations?

Answer: The black-capped chickadee (and corvids).

Question: Which bird has the ability to fly the highest, reaching heights 37,100 ft feet?

Answer: The Rüppell’s griffon vulture

Animal Trivia Questions About Insects

Question: Which insect is known for its beautiful wings and migratory journey across North America?

Answer: The monarch butterfly.

Question: Which insect is known for its ability to hover in place and fly in any direction?

Answer: The hoverfly (or dragonfly).

Question: What is the largest insect in the world by mass?

Answer: The giant wētā.

Question: Which insect is known for its ability to produce light through bioluminescence?

Answer: The firefly.

Question: What insect is known for its role in pollinating flowers and producing honey?

Answer: The honeybee.

Question: Which insect can lift objects 50 times its own body weight?

Answer: The ant.

Question: What insect is known for its metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a beautiful winged adult?

Answer: The butterfly.

Question: Which insect is known for its chirping sound, produced by rubbing its wings together?

Answer: The cricket.

Question: What is the longest-lived insect?

Answer: The queen termite.

Question: What type of insect is known for forming colonies with a single queen, workers and drones?

Answer: The bee.

Question: Which insect is considered the most dangerous to humans due to its role in spreading diseases?

Answer: The mosquito.

Question: What insect is known for its ability to walk on water due to surface tension?

Answer: The water strider.

Question: What insect is known for having a “sting” that can inject venom?

Answer: Wasps, as well as hornets, yellow jackets and bees.

Question: Which insect is known for its distinctive, bright red body with black spots?

Answer: The ladybug (or ladybird beetle).

Question: What insect is known for its annual or periodic emergence from the ground in large numbers?

Answer: The cicada.

Question: Which insect is known for its highly structured social colonies and is often used as a symbol of industry and teamwork?

Answer: The ant.

Question: Which insect has the most number of species in the world?

Answer: The beetle.

Question: What insect is known for its ability to jump the longest distances relative to its body size?

Answer: The grasshopper.

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